Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Critical Reading Reflection - 1081 Words

Through the course of American Literature, my limited writing, critical reading, and discussion skills have developed. As I am challenged in all the previous sections mentioned I, am forced to further my skills in order to acquire decent grades. The rigorous nature of this class has pushed my comfort zone as has caused a positive shift in both of my critical reading skills and my writing. Consequently, this push has made me more, but not entirely, comfortable with a burdensome English based course. The visible growth in annotation is severe; I have drastically improved both the content and the amount of annotations made when critically reading. Withal, the content of my annotations has made a shift from metacognitive to critical. Now†¦show more content†¦An occasional thematic or plot based analysis was written every couple of pages. Furthermore, annotating felt unnatural to me and seemed to restrict the pre-existing enjoyment of reading that I had. And while I have not made a complete deviation from my previous mindset, I am slowly seeing results as my understanding of texts increases even as the difficulty of the text increases. Improvements in critical reading correlate directly with my understanding of the annotated text. In one of the first critical reading assignments that embodies many of my early annotations, the Origin Stories of the Native Americans, my annotations are lacking in all categories. They were almost entirely metacognitive and the critical annotations were short and incoherent, requiring a quick reread of the excerpt to understand the annotation completely. Phrases such as ...happy image..., ...loss of culture... and ...origin story... were found frequently scattered across the pages of the packet. These low level annotations are representative of the the quality that I was used to. The annotations listed are not unlike the others found within the packet, and in addition to being recurrent they are shallow and contain little to no insight on the text. The annotations are not displaying much more than the fact that I am literate. As IShow MoreRelatedCritical Reading Reflection on the Alchemist Essay1309 Words   |  6 PagesThe Alchemist is a story about a shepherd from Spain named Santiago whose parents have him attending a seminary to become priest and while he was there was taught to read. Santiago could be considered an educated person and achieve a much higher status than Shepard. Instead, he chose to become a Shepard since they travelled around the country side while grazing their flocks of sheep. 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Monday, December 16, 2019

Analytical Essay Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus - 2084 Words

CSB332 Analytical essay Introduction: Type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) was a disease that was thought to have a rare occurrence in children and adolescents a couple decades ago. Nevertheless, researchers have begun to observe the rise in type 2 diabetes mellitus in both adults and children (1). Even though type 1 diabetes mellitus is still the main form of the disease in young people, it is most likely that type 2 diabetes mellitus will prevail in young patients in the near future. Type 2 diabetes mellitus has already been presented in children from a number of different countries, including Australia, America, India, Japan and England In addition, T2DM has been linked†¦show more content†¦These conditions can include cardiovascular disease, renal disease, loss of vision and in serious cases limb amputations can occur. All these conditions contribute morbidity and mortality in individuals with T2DM. While the prevalence of type 2 diabetes mellitus in young people is increasing and cannot be reversed, our society will have to face major challenges in preventing and treating this disease. Although there are many studies carried out and resources put forth to those who have T2DM, most of them are based off patients who are adults. Not many studies have been conducted on younger patients as the prevalence of this disease in children has occurred in recent years. Therefore, studies about treating T2DM in children and adolescent are limited making it more difficult to treat children than adults. Aetiology and pathophysiology Diabetes mellitus is a metabolic disease that is characterised by hyperglycaemia. This is a result from a deficiency in insulin action and secretion. Symptoms of hyperglycaemia include polyuria, polydipsia, weight loss, blurred vision and on some occasions, polyphagia. If the disease becomes chronic is patients, it can lead to dysfunction, long-term damage and failure of organs The development of diabetes mellitus has several processes. These processes include autoimmune destruction of ÃŽ ²-cells of the pancreas which consequently causes

Sunday, December 8, 2019

The Flaws of Odysseus free essay sample

In the book â€Å"The Odyssey† by Homer, the main character Odysseus could be defined as being a strong, noble, and courageous man who is confident as well as a heroic phenomenal athlete. His quick intellect helped him overcome many intricate and strenuous situations while his conning and articulate speech could win over any audience without a dilemma. With all these great characteristics he possessed, one might question did this majestic man have any blemishes throughout the story at all. Could it be possible that if this man was indeed so perfect, then why was his voyage back to Ithaca after the Trojan War so prolonged over the years? Surely a man with qualities such as these should have no difficulty returning himself and his shipmates back to their dwellings. Unfortunately, Odysseus as well as his crew members had some flaws that are common to all humans. These certain characteristics not only made their quest for home much longer than intended, but also made it tiresome and convoluted. We will write a custom essay sample on The Flaws of Odysseus or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page One of Odysseus major flaws was his pride as well as his overconfidence in himself. One might argue that pride is a good thing to have; however, in the case of Odysseus he had a tad bit too much. This gets him into major trouble with Poseidon, the ruler of the sea and the God of earthquakes. After outwitting the Cyclops and blinding him, Odysseus, feeling boastful about his narrowly escaped victory, unintelligently boasts about his daring act. This enrages the Cyclops and he flings boulders into the sea, almost sinking the ship. When Odysseus and his men are a great distance away that the rocks could not strike the ship, he gets carried away in his pride and unwisely bellows out â€Å"Cyclops-if any man on the face of the earth should ask you who blinded you, shamed you so-say Odysseus†¦ Laertes’ son who makes his home in Ithaca! (Book 9 558-562). Unfortunately for him, the Cyclops is really the son of Poseidon. The Cyclops then asks his father to punish the man who had harmed him, begging him to make sure Odysseus never reaches home, and if he does, then let him be a â€Å"broken man-all shipmates lost, alone in a stranger’s ship-and let him find a world of pain at home! † (Book 9, 593-595). Poseidon hears his son’s cry and grants his plea. This incident hurt Odysseus more than losing a few of his shipmates because Poseidon made the crew’s quest for home very extensive and strenuous. If Odysseus had only ignored his need to boast and put aside his pride, neither the Cyclops nor Poseidon would have known of his daring escape, allowing him to return to his home of Ithaca much sooner than he did. Another one of Odysseus’ deepest flaws was his inability to resist certain temptations. For instance, one situation that could have had a negative outcome was when he and his crewmates were sailing in the sea of the Sirens. Odysseus was previously warned about the dangerously alluring song of the Seirenes and the disaster it causes, yet he was very tempted to know of its sound. After sticking wax up the ears of all the crew members so they couldnt listen, Odysseus insists upon being attached firmly to the mast so he could not follow the perilously seductive song. Even though there were no consequences from his actions, Odysseus still jeopardized the crew for his own personal satisfaction. All the blame cannot be placed upon Odysseus for the delay of his return to Ithaca after the Trojan War. Odysseus’ crew was disobedient, greedy, inquisitive, and at times mutinous. An example of the crew mutinous behavior having a severe consequence is shown in Book 9. Odysseus tells his listeners of a tale of how the crew disobeyed his orders to not drink after they ravaged the city of Ciccone. He warns his crew that the Ciccones are bound to come back in numbers to seek revenge. The crew does not listen and decides to drink and rest anyway. This resulted in the Ciccones doing exactly as Odysseus had predicted, causing a shameful defeat and death of many of Odysseus’ crew members. Another example of how the crew delayed Odysseus’ journey to Ithaca is given in Book 10. Upon leaving the Aeolian island, Odysseus was given an ox hide sack by Aeolus, the god of the winds. The sack contained wind that would help the crew reach home. Aeolus had given the sack to Odysseus with strict instructions not to open it. However, curiosity overcame the crew, thinking that Odysseus was hauling gold and silver back home to Ithaca, they opened the sack when they were miles away from their homeland, causing the winds to release from the sac and blow the boat far away from Ithaca and off course. In conclusion, Odysseus possesses many qualities superior to those of most men, yet he remains recognizably human through his flaws and weaknesses, making him an epic hero. Throughout the story, it is proven that no matter how many great features Odysseus contains, it was some of his and his crew mates’ character flaws which prevented them from returning home in a timely manner after the Trojan War. However, one good thing about Odysseus was that no matter how many weaknesses that appeared before him, he was able to overcome them all and eventually reach his goal to return home to Ithaca.

Sunday, December 1, 2019

School Boy Humor, Mayday Parade free essay sample

Hello out there, Ive been hearing so many replica bands lately who seem like their doing something different, but their just doing bad imitations of more popular bands. It irritates me when I cant remember what songs go with what band, cause a large amount are starting to sound alike! Okay Now I have a few bands I think you guys should try out School Boy Humor, Yeah thoughts of No Way were creeping through my head until I heard a fun pop/punk tune that made me take another listen. Dont Look Back! Signed to Vagrant Records, from Little Rock, Ak with producer Geoff Rockwell ( he worked on Forever the Sickest Kids album). This band is definitely one for a fun mood when you want to hear a great pop/punk tune like the bands song Camera Shy. Have a listen: MySpace. We will write a custom essay sample on School Boy Humor, Mayday Parade or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page com/SchoolBoyHumor Now, for anyone who likes rock vocals and an alternative sound, then my I suggest a dose of Mayday Parade and their song When I get Home. The band spent time on the Vans Warped Tour and Released A Lesson in Romantics on July 10, 2007. Derived from the merger between the bands A Kid named Chicago and Defining Moment, the band is signed to Fearless Records. Do you like Boys Like Girls? Do you enjoy Kings of Leon? Try Mayday Parade Also I heard a band Artist Vs. Poet, I like the song Runaway its catchie But is that the only good song? What do you guys think of this band? Until Next Time, Gotta have music,

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Learn About the Careers Available to Chemistry Majors

Learn About the Careers Available to Chemistry Majors The career options in chemistry are practically endless. However, your employment options depend on how far you have taken your education. A 2-year degree in chemistry wont get you very far. You could work in some labs washing glassware or assist at a school with lab preparation, but you wouldnt have much advancement potential and you could expect a high level of supervision. A college bachelors degree in chemistry (B.A., B.S.) opens up more opportunities. A four-year college degree can be used to gain admittance to advanced degree programs (e.g., graduate school, medical school, law school). With the bachelors degree, you can get a bench job, which would allow you to run equipment and prepare chemicals. A bachelors degree in chemistry or education (with a lot of chemistry courses) is necessary to teach at the K-12 level. A masters degree in chemistry, chemical engineering, or related field opens up far more options. A terminal degree, such as a Ph.D. or M.D., leaves the field wide open. In the United States, you need at least 18 graduate credit hours to teach at the college level (preferably a Ph.D.). Most scientists who design and supervise their own research programs have terminal degrees. Chemistry is involved with biology and physics, and there are many career options in pure chemistry as well. Careers in Chemistry Heres a look at some of the career options related to chemistry: AgrochemistryAnalytical ChemistryAstrochemistryAtmospheric ChemistryBiochemistryBiotechnologyCatalysisCeramics IndustryChemical Engineering (chemical engineer profile)Chemical Information SpecialistChemical SalesChemical TechnologyChemist (chemist profile)Colloid ScienceConsultingConsumer ProductsEnvironmental ChemistryEnvironmental LawEthnobotanyFood ChemistryForensic ScienceGeochemistryGovernment PolicyHazardous Waste ManagementInorganic ChemistryMaterials ScienceMedicineMetallurgyMilitary SystemsOceanographyOrganic ChemistPaper IndustryPatent LawPerfume ChemistryPetroleum and Natural Gas IndustryPharmaceuticalsPhysical ChemistryPlastics IndustryPolymer IndustryRD ManagementScience WriterSoftware DesignSpace ExplorationSurface ChemistryTeachingTechnical WritingTextile Industry This list isnt complete. You can work chemistry into any industrial, educational, scientific, or governmental field. Chemistry is a very versatile science. Mastery of chemistry is associated with excellent analytical and mathematical skills. Students of chemistry are able to solve problems and think things through. These skills are useful for any job. Also, see 10 Great Careers in Chemistry.

Friday, November 22, 2019

How Climatology Is Different From Meteorology

How Climatology Is Different From Meteorology Climatology is the study of the slowly varying behavior of Earths atmosphere, oceans, and land (climate) over a period of time. It can also be thought of as weather over a period of time. It is considered a branch of meteorology. A person who studies or practices climatology professionally is known as a climatologist. Two main areas of climatology include paleoclimatology, the study of past climates by examining records such as ice cores and tree rings; and historical climatology, the study of climate as it relates to human history over the last few thousand years. What Do Climatologists Do? Everyone knows that meteorologists work to forecast the weather. But what about climatologists? They study: Climate variability:  Climate variability describes short-term (lasting years to decades) changes in climate caused by naturally occurring events like El Nià ±o, volcanic activity, or changes in the suns activity (solar cycles).Climate change:  Climate change is a warming or cooling in long-term (lasting decades to millions of years) weather patterns, at different places around the world.Global warming:  Global warming describes an increase in Earths average temperature over time.  Note: Although climate change and global warming are two different things, when we talk about climate change were usually referring to global warming because our planet is currently warming temperatures. Climatologists study the above in a number of ways, including studying climate patterns - long-term that have a bearing on our weather today. These climate patterns include El Nià ±o, La Nià ±a, the Arctic oscillation, North Atlantic oscillation, and so on. Commonly gathered climate data and maps include: TemperaturePrecipitation (rainfall and drought)Snow and ice coverSevere weather (thunderstorms and tornadoes frequency)Surface radiationOcean temperatures (SSTs) One of the benefits of climatology is the availability of data for past weather. Understanding past weather can give meteorologists and everyday citizens a view of trends in weather over an extended period of time in most locations around the globe. Although climate has been tracked for a while, there are some data that cannot be obtained; generally anything before 1880.  For this, scientists turn to climate models to forecast and generate a best guess of what the climate may have looked like in the past and  what it may look like  into the future. Why Climatology Matters Weather made its way into mainstream media in the late 1980s and 1990s, but climatology is only now gaining in popularity as global warming becomes a live concern for our society. What once was little more than a laundry list of numbers and data is now a key to understanding how our weather and climate could change within our foreseeable future. Edited by Tiffany Means

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Black Boy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Black Boy - Essay Example Accordingly, the author has chosen to focus on 5 unique situations that are indicative of the hardships caused by Jim Crow on Richard Wright’s formative years in Part 1 of the autobiography (the part that details his life in the South prior to a move to Chicago). The first of these is the general lack of work and economic hardships that is such a mainstay of the opening pages of the story. The hardship and deprivation were of course felt by many in the Deep South; however, none more so than the African American community. As these were both the least educated and most repressed, finding steady and gainful employment was nearly impossible. Something that is further evidenced by this is the fact that no one was able to fall back on their savings or any form of contingency plans they had made. Whereas many individuals in our current society have the ability to stash away a bit of savings in case the unthinkable happens, Richard Wright’s family was living on the very border of destitution even when the mother was employed and working multiple jobs. Of course this meant that when disaster struck and she was taken ill, there was no recourse but to fall back on the mercy and kindness of her extended family. ... A further evidence of how Jim Crow affected the life of young Richard Wright is seen in the fact that he regularly misses school and eventually drops out early on in his youth (Wright 18). However, what is noticeably absent is the mention of any type of truancy officer or guidance counselor that is able to check on young Richard Wright and encourage the family to keep the young boy in school. Rather, it is painfully evident that the educational system cares little for the loss of one little black boy from the system. Such an eventuality acquaints the reader with the net worth that the Jim Crow South placed on the black person’s role in society. Richard relates that life became noticeably better when he was able to move in with his aunt and uncle who, by the standards he was accustomed, earned a very good living. Richard’s uncle, Hoskins, ran a successful saloon in town and was able to adequately provide for all of the family members under his roof in this way. Howvever, the jealousy and horror of racism and Jim Crow reared its head again in this location and affected the murder of Hoskins at the hands of an angry and jealous group of white men in town. At the heart of Jim Crow one understands there is a primal fear that the black person would rise and better himself; thereby freeing himself/herself from the constraints of slavery and servitude that had for so long defined his/her existence. In this way, the reader is made aware of the fact that Hoskin’s death was merely an extension of the problems and issues of racism and Jim Crow that had been experienced in various ways previously in his story. The final instance of this which will be discussed in this brief paper is concentric around the

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

An evaluation of the effectiveness of leadership professional Dissertation

An evaluation of the effectiveness of leadership professional development curriculum at the U.S. Merchant Marine Academy - Dissertation Example Graduates from this institution succeed within the field of maritime industry and serving effectively as mature and experienced leaders in the Armed Forces or reserve commissioned officers. The education system is provided in time period of four years. The Program The location of the Academy is Kings Point in New York. The operation of the Academy is facilitated by the Maritime Administration of the Federal Government, which is a U.S. Department of Transportation agency. The program is carried out in four years, and uses a regimental system to ensure that midshipmen acquire the necessary knowledge and skills, which would grant them an opportunity of earning ashore maritime employment, developing discipline in careers, serving in U.S. Armed Forces, and becoming successful leaders in society. The Regiment of the Academy has an approximate value of 950 midshipmen who represent each Union state and U.S. Possessions and Trust Territories (Capt, 2006). The attained student body size enable s the achievement of an effective ratio between students and teachers. Further, this student size depicts the real camaraderie that exists in all Regiment members. Every profession in the current society is dependent in the quality of education, which is attained from colleges. U.S Merchant Marine Academy adopts the same and ensures that the quality of education provided in the college is sound. The academic program of the Academy ensures that all midshipmen receive specialized and quality training in order to become merchant marine officers, in U.S. who are licensed. This occurs since the academy adheres to the International Convention on Training Standards and Watch keeping for Seafarers and Certification (STCW) of 1978 including the related amendments to STCW Code (Catalog, 2011, p. 6). The accrediting of the Academy’s curriculum is carried out by Middle States Association of Schools and Colleges (Catalog, 2011, p. 6). This curriculum has the ability of ensuring that each midshipman receives the required college education necessary for the attainment of a bachelor’s degree in science. There are few colleges, which have the potential to provide a wide range of credentials to their education graduates. Midshipmen who are enrolled in the Academy end up being challenged both physically and intellectually. This occurs since the academic program for the Academy is demanding and the regimental system is rigorous. Students find freshman year strenuous as they undergo a transition from being graduates of high school to Academy midshipman (Kumar, 2008). The introduction of freshman year involves extensive learning of new terms, how to adopt effective means of time management, how to work while under pressure, and the endurance quality. As midshipmen enter the second and third year, they are prepared for practical training. This training occurs when the midshipmen go to the sea in order to gain practical training on shipboard. This training equips the sh ipmen with experience on mariner’s environment, as well as skills on how to undertake initiatives on their own and being self-reliant (Kumar, 2008). The final year involves ensuring that the midshipmen have the ability of fine-tuning the skills and experience learnt from class, as well as the practical exposure at the sea. This aids in

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Science Fair Conclusion of How to Make a Crystal Radio Essay Example for Free

Science Fair Conclusion of How to Make a Crystal Radio Essay Some of the hypothesis in this experiment supported the results and some of the other hypothesis rejected the results. Some hypothesis which supported the results were that the there would be about one, two, or three channels in the radio, the bobby pin could not replace the germanium diode, and that the crystal radio ware efficient as a normal store bought radio. On experiment two the crystal radio had like 3 stations. The sound was very clear and loud. Also, the bobby pin method did not work. There were lots of hypothesis that did not support the results. Some hypothesis that did not support was that the safety pin could replace the germanium diode. The safety pin wasn’t suitable to replace the germanium diode. One of the rejected hypotheses during the experiment is that one believed that the amperage will be eight and the voltage will be about eleven. It was impossible to find out the amperage or the voltage, except one solution which had the chance to blow up our experiment. Some of the problems leading the experiment to not work were to make double wires in to single wires. This caused us to waste a lot of one’s time and get the wires tangled up. We didn’t have ladder to put up the wires and the insulators very high. During the first experiment (which did not work) the kohm resistor and the germanium diode were backwards. Also the earphone during experiment two were misplaced. During experiment one, one connected the antenna to the ground when one supposed to connect the antenna to the fahnstock clips. Next time, if one should build a crystal radio one should buy a single wire, wooden ladder, and read the directions carefully. I would like to know any available replacement for the germanium diode. I would like to know â€Å"if the wire is longer , will there be more stations?†.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

The Communist Manifesto by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels Essay

The Communist Manifesto by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The Communist Manifesto was written by two world renowned philosophers, Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels. This book was produced in an era of great suffering and anguish of all workers in a socially distressed system. In a time when revolutions were spreading through Europe like wildfire, Marx organized his thoughts and views to produce the critical pamphlet â€Å"The Communist Manifesto†. Marx’s scrutiny illustrates his belief that unless change is to occur the constant outcome will repeatedly remain uniform. This is a novel that displays the differentiation between the Bourgeois and the Proletariat. Class relationships are defined by an era's means of production. Marx’s contradictions the position that capitalism is the unsurpassed system of economics. The only tactic that could create a successful change is if the proletariat takes some initiative and brings an end to the two distinct classes. Only then will the proletariat attain equality so cially, politically and economically.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  In 1846 Karl Marx was exiled from Paris on account of his radical politics. He moved to Belgium where he attempted to assemble a ragtag group of exiled German artisans into an unified political organization, the German Working Men's Association. Marx, aware of the presence of similar organizations in England, called these groups together for a meeting in the winter of 1847. Under Marx's influence this assemblage of working-class parties took the name "The Communist League," discussing their grievances with capitalism and potential methods of response. While most of the delegates to this conference advocated universal brotherhood as a solution to their economic problems, Marx preached the composition of class warfare, explaining to the mesmerized workers that revolution was not only the sole answer to their difficulties but was indeed inevitable. The League, completely taken with Marx, commissioned him to write a statement of their collective principles, a statemen t which became â€Å"The Communist Manifesto.† In the book, the essential theory presented is the creation of only one class, so that there would no longer be a class struggle. It discusses how Engels and Marx argued for equality and redistribution of wealth. More than anything else, the two philosophers had a grievance with workers not having control over t... ...his class in being assimilated into the proletariat as society becomes more urbanized and reliant on industrial production. Petty-bourgeois socialism arises from this class, but holds up the standard of the proletariat, with whom the bourgeoisie are a shared enemy. I feel that the most influential quote in the book is "In place of the old bourgeois society, with its classes and class antagonisms, we shall have an association, in which the free development of each is the condition for the free development of all". This is a claim that once the proletariat achieve political power, the eventual result will be a classless society. Abolishing bourgeois modes of production undermines the continued existence of class hostility, and without class hostility, the proletariat will lose their own class character.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The communist contribution to this ongoing revolutionary discussion will be the raising of the property question, for any revolutionary movement which does not address this question cannot successfully rescue people from oppression. Eventually the inventible will occur due to the proletariat lack of outcry and social protests. A revolution will be the undeniable consequence.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

To What Extent Does Cultural Background Influence Ones Perception of Human Beauty

To what extent does cultural background influence ones perception of human beauty? â€Å"Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. † This famous quote simply expresses the universal concept of beauty has no intrinsic or definite meaning. From this, one can derive that beauty can be nothing more than the subjective perception of human individuals-it is all based on ones predilection and proclivity. However, it is not just to say that anything can be considered as beautiful, thus contradiction does not exist in perceptions of beauty. As one can see, there are certain guidelines to beauty. Whether it is the inner or outer beauty of a human being, the concept of beauty that society imposes is all shaped from general consensus. Then perhaps â€Å"Beauty is not one’s own, but a reflection of one’s culture†. Even though nothing can be defined as absolute beauty, due to the limitation ones cultural backgrounds created from the subjective nature of perception, Human beings in the end will still unite their perception of beauty to a universal degree of understanding. The rift in the perception of physical beauty between cultures can be placed on two ends of a spectrum. In both Western and Eastern Culture’s ideology of beauty, having a slender body is crucial to be considered as an attractive woman. However, as we shift our view to the third world countries in Africa, this measure takes a drastic turn and becomes weak and meaningless. In those countries where poverty and diseases are the plays a key role, plumpness-being the sign of health, wealth and fertility is the ideal beauty of a woman. Moreover, a culture’s own tradition of beauty cannot be overlooked. Padaung women of the Kayan people wear a special ornament called neck rings around the neck of an individual to create a visual appearance of a stretched long neck. This tradition of elongating necks to achieve beauty is probably not accepted by others. Furthermore, the influential power of media cultural also alters ones perception. The concept of beauty in men displayed by the Japanese pop idols with distinctly feminine features is also one of the rare occurrences in perception. Despite the range of different perception of beauty presented in varies cultural, they are all collided to establish one fact-that is to be accepted but the general consensus within their culture. However, speaking of acceptance, all the rift between culture’s perception of physical beauty are stirred together to create the universal acceptance of the inner beauty of mind and heart. â€Å"Beauty is only skin deep. †The acceptance of inner beauty goes beyond the subjective norms of beauty that varies between the different cultures one is exposed to. Gibran had concluded that â€Å"beauty is not in the face; beauty is a light in the heart†. When it comes to these values of love, compassion and moral code, humans’ emotion, conscience and perception are unified to form a common knowledge. As described in Plato's Philebus, the measure of beauty was structured and related to intelligence. One understands what is to be considered as a lovable person not only by their outward appearance but by tying the strings of the inner quality that one possess as well. With this commonality, the barrier of subjective beauty is broken down. As one gives and receives love on a daily basis, following the universal idea of moral code and intelligence, their perception is broaden to a degree of understanding that the â€Å"Miss Universe† Pageant† can be hosted based on this commonality beyond cultural differences. Therefore, one can say that the universal acceptance and emotion unifies the human belief of a beautiful person. Although the universal concept of beauty has no definite meaning and can alters from one perceiver to another. It can also be viewed that â€Å"human beauty is a reflection cultural perception and ideas of aesthetics and indigenous to that area†, but one cannot deny that the there are certain values built upon a common understanding. With this common understanding, the rift of perception between different cultures becomes narrower thus in the end, allowing ones perception of true beauty to be united to a universal degree of understanding.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Review of Article the Influence of Organizational Culture on Employee Work Behavior

The objectives of this research are to examine the influence of organizational culture on employee work behavior. Moreover, there are to explain the influence that organizational culture has on employee work behavior, to formulate recommendations regarding organizational culture and employee work behavior. There are a few questions that were asked, in order to measure the result. In addition, the method was used in this research is a survey research method. Plus, respondents were selected by using stratified and simple random sampling techniques. Primary data were collected through questionnaire. Data were presented and analyzed by means of simple percentage and the hypotheses were tested by chi-square test statistics. However, the result of the findings shows that organizational culture i. e. norms, artifacts, values, traditions, assumptions and belief influences employee work behavior. Recommendations were also made to the organizations that will find this study relevant to their course to make their culture simple and easy to grasp and adhere to so that their employees can be free to put in their best. In addition, the organization should build trust among the employee and managers by using Islamic perspective. Review Each of us has a unique personality – traits and characteristics that influence the way we act and interact with others. When we describe someone as warm, open, relaxed, shy, or aggressive, we’re describing personality traits. An organization, too, has a personality, which we call its cultures. And culture influences the way employees act and interact with others (Robbin & Coulter, 2012). However, not all organizations that have cultures influence employees’ behaviors and action. The organization with strong cultures has more influence rather than weak cultures organization. In this study we can see the result from analyzed the data that the culture is one of the key elements that organization must be concerned, as the top manager can take the attention of this topic and make change to the organization by motivate the employees through improve the organization cultures which can be done through many ways such as through organization stories, rituals, language or material artifacts and symbols. In addition, the result of strong culture may lead employees to improvement of performance, responsibility and well-being. Moreover, in the organization hould build trust among the employees and managers by using Islamic perspective in order to perform more efficient and receive effective outcomes within the organization. Summary and review of problem statement and purpose of study The importance of employee’s performance or behavior will appear on their work which the organizational culture is one of many factors that drive the employee’s work. There are many researches in different area of studies related to this topic. Hence, there is no widely accepted causal the relationship between organizational culture and employee work behavior in the last few decades. The empirical evidences emerging from various studies about the effect of organizational culture on employee work behavior have so far yielded mixed results that are inconclusive and contradictory. Because of these contradictory results, the question of whether organizational culture improves or employee’s work behavior is getting worse still worthy of further research. In addition, despite the existence of these studies, very little attention has been given to developing countries. This means that the impact of organizational culture on employees’ work behavior has not received adequate research attention in Nigeria. Thus, there is a major gap in the relevant literature on Nigeria, which has to be covered by research. This research attempts to fill this gap by studying the situation of the Nigerian service industry and providing more empirical evidence on the effects of organizational culture on employee work behavior in Nigeria. The purpose of this study is: (i) To ascertain if organizational culture influence employee work behavior. (ii) To find out if organizational culture affects organizational productivity. (iii) To disclose whether a change in organizational culture could lead to a change in employee work behavior Review From the problem and the purpose of this journal tell us that they want to prove whether the little thing that organizations in nowadays less concerned which is organizational culture may influence the performance of employees by using empirical evidences with Nigeria Nestle industry. Addition, to indicate that cultures within organizations was an interesting topic to be study and can be a significant affect within the organizations. Summary of the Literature review Conceptual framework of organizational cultural Organizational culture has been appeared in various field of human science studies such as psychology, sociology and anthropology. The study of organizational culture is widely defined by many scholars yet the definition is not mainly accepted (Ojo, 2012). Organization culture has affected on productivity of organizational activities which mean it has influence outcomes of the company in term of performance, commitment, self-confidence and ethical behavior. In other words organizational cultural is one of vital elements organization's success that manipulate employee work behavior. Defined the organizational culture According to Morgan, 1997 defined organizational culture as one of the metaphors used for organizational analysis. He suggested that the basic of organization involves in the development of shared meaning, beliefs, norms, values and assumptions which are shaped by organizational behavior. Another definition of organizational culture is a set of values that help organization members know which is acceptable and that which is unacceptable within the organization (Ojo, 2010). Thus , in our opinion , organizational culture is values which involve in beliefs, norms and perspectives within organization which it help shaping the member's behavior and perceive what is right and wrong within the organization . Organizational values According to Jehn, (1994) & Hall (1999) explained that organizational values are expected to produce higher levels of productivity , job satisfaction and commitment . In this statement, it can be said that organizational values are also key in organization behavior which it affect on each individual and organizational outcomes of the company. How organizational cultures develop The values and norms which are the basis of culture formed through 4 ways 1. By leaders in the organization 2. through critical incidents or important events 3. through effective working relationship among organizations members 4. Through the organization's environment There are seven dimensions organization culture that could be used to compare culture across organizations are innovation and risk taking, attention to detail, outcome orientation, people orientation, individual vs. team orientation, aggressiveness and stability Types of organizational culture according to Handy (1993) 1. Power culture: Control or power emanate from the centre, personal power predominate. This culture serves the figure head and the leader 2. Role culture: bureaucratic nature; roles more important than the people who fill them; position power predominates, and expert power tolerated. This culture serves the structure. 3. Task culture: The focus is on completing the job; individuals’ expertise and contribution are highly valued; expert power predominates, but both personal and position power are important; the unifying force of the group is manifested in high level of collaboration 4. Person culture: A loose collection of individuals – usually professionals – sharing common facilities but pursuing own goals separately; power is not really an issue, since members are experts in their own right. This type of culture serves the individual. According to Handy (1993) describes that the culture within organization affects the way that it operates and it's member behave. So in our opinion suggest that the culture in organization it affects both physically and mentally which means it causes both the way they think and act within organization among the members. Concept of behavior Human behavior is complex, it is not easy to study and define as others studies because human beings are different from one another in term of perspectives, cultures, and beliefs. However, the operant conditioning model is one model that used to explain human behavior. Conditioning is a systematic procedure through which associates and responses to specific stimulate learning ( Hollinshead, Nicholls and Tailby, 2003). Operant conditioning is defined as â€Å"a type of learning in which the desirable or undesirable consequences of behavior determine whether the behavior is repeated† (Sorensen, 2002). It is also known as instrumental conditioning. The probability of an event occurring depends on its consequences. Summary of the research methodology In this journal, the research methodology that the authors used is survey research. The theoretical population of the study consists of the entire workers of Nestle Nigeria PLC, Ikeja, Lagos State, Nigeria. The technique to select the participating respondents is the stratified sampling because it is effective coverage and lower cost. Thereafter, a total of 55 employees were selected using simple random sampling method which the employees were stratified into junior, intermediate, and senior cadres. Yet the returned of complete questionnaire is only 50 to be used in analyzing. The Primary data collected through the administration of questionnaire were used for this journal. The questionnaire was titled â€Å"Organizational Culture and Employee Work Behavior Questionnaire† To ensure the validity and reliability of the questionnaire used for the study, even number of experts was consulted to look at the questionnaire items in relation to its ability to achieve the stated objectives of the research, level of coverage, comprehensibility, logicality and suitability for prospective respondents. Data collected from the questionnaire were analyzed, summarized, and interpreted accordingly with the aid of descriptive statistical techniques. Chi-square was used to measure the discrepancies existing between the observed and expected frequency and to proof the level of significance in testing stated hypotheses. Summary of the findings and discussions Based on analyzed data, the findings in this study include the followings: 1) A large number of respondents 84. 0% of the respondents agree that organizational culture influence employee work behavior. 2) 72. 0% of the respondents agree that organizational culture is a determinant of productivity level of the organization. 3) 84. % of the respondents agree that a change in culture will cause a change in employee work behavior. 4) 54. 0% of the respondents agree that organizational norm is a major determinant of organizational culture. 5) Majority of the respondents (56. 0%) agree that organizational artifact is a major factor of organizational culture. 6) Organizational values influence employee work performance as 50. 0% of the respondents agree to this. 7) Adequate motivatio nal factors improve employee work behavior. 46. 0% of the respondents agree to this. From the hypotheses tested, we are able to discover the following: 1) In testing the first hypothesis, indicates that organizational culture has a significant influence on employee work behavior. 2) When the second hypothesis was tested indicates that organizational culture is a major determinant of organizational productivity. 3) Finally, when the third hypothesis was tested it was also discovered that a change in organizational culture will cause a change in employee work behavior. From the result of analyzing can conclude that: (i) Organizational culture influence employee work behavior in the organization. ii) Organizational culture is a determinant of the productivity level of the organization. (iii) Changing in organizational culture will lead to a change in employee work behavior. (iv) Organizational culture has a significant influence on employee work behavior. Discussion Why the culture important? For one thing, in organizations with strong cultures, employees are more loyal than employees in organizations with weak cultures (Robbin Coulter, 2014). For example, International Islamic University Malaysia that we are all have stayed, studied and worked. Many of staffs that we know have been work here more than 20 years and many students hat graduated from here continue study master in the same place. We think that one of the important reason of those people felt that IIUM had a very strong culture, not only employees that is loyal, but customers (students) is also feeling the same. Therefore, we are strongly agree that the organizational culture effected to employee work behavior. The suggestion for the journal 1. Even though individual has different in term of cultures, perspectives, beliefs and behaviors, one should be able to cope with others members in the organization to accomplish the same goals. The individual must have ability to adopt oneself to the organizational environment and cultural that will determine how one behaves at work. Nestle Nigeria Plc. Should encourages new entrants to internalize first with organization culture to know whether they can cope with them or not. 2. Should provide adequate motivational factors such as housing allowance , car loan , holiday allowance that will make their employee feel comfortable and satisfied with the company 3. Should operate strong culture not weak culture, which it can help employees perform better and it leads to efficient and effective performance. . The organization should build trust among employees and managers by using lslamic perspective. Trust is an important element in Islam as Allah (SWT) mentioned a lot verses in the and also our Prophet Muhammad (SAW) encourage us to implement our daily activity, the company relationship whether the employee in private business or within the public sector. Thus, trust plays and key role in bringing individuals together to create value that no one person could create on her partner as well as trust in relationship among members of business partners. It is emphasized in the Qur’an: â€Å"Allah commands you to deliver trusts to those worthy of them; and when you judge between people, to judge with justice†. (al-nisa’, 4:58. What is more obvious here is in that the verse is addressed to everyone when holds everything in trust. Here, we forewarned against the evil, position of trust to incompetent, mean, immoral, dishonest. According to Hadith : â€Å"Every one of you is a guardian and everyone will be asked about his subjects. Imam is a guardian. He will be asked about his subjects. A man is the guardian of the persons in his household. He is answerable about them. A woman is the guardian of her husband's house. She will be asked about her responsibility. The servant is the guardian of the articles of his master. He is answerable about this responsibility of his† (Bukhari) The Muslims are directed to take head of this and to entrust position of responsibility. Trust arises within community of regular, honest and corporative behavior based on commonly shared norms. The employees are trusted in organization they will feel more comfortable and good perform within the organization as the result, they will produce efficiency and effective outcomes.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Japanese Skewered Chicken Essays - Chinese Cuisine, Korean Cuisine

Japanese Skewered Chicken Essays - Chinese Cuisine, Korean Cuisine Japanese Skewered Chicken : Chicken Yakitori Ingredients 3 green onions, cut into 1" strips lengthwise 8 green peppers, quartered and seeded 2/3 lb. chicken livers 1 clove garlic 1-1/3 lb. boned, skinless chicken breast Barbecue Sauce: 1/2 cup soy sauce 1/2 cup mirin 1-2 tablespoons sugar pepper bamboo skewers or sticks Method: 1. Pierce skewer through sides of green onions. Skewer green peppers in the same way. 2. Cut livers into 4-6 pieces. Soak in water to remove odor. 3. Crush garlic, add to 5 cups boiling water; add livers (do not overcook), drain in colander. Skewer livers. 4. Cut chicken into bite-size pieces. 5. Thread chicken on skewers. 6. Arrange skewers on platter. 7. Simmer Barbecue Sauce until reduced to half of original quantity. 8. Place gridiron over high heat, arrange two bricks on both sides. Barbecue, brushing with sauce, until cooked as desired. Sprinkle with pepper. Let guests help themselves. Eggplant Miso Soup 1 quart boiling water 2 tablespoons Miso 1 Carrot chopped 2 Scallions chopped 1/2 cup Tofu cubed 1 cup Eggplant julienned In boiling water, add miso. Mash to dissolve. Add carrots, scallions, tofu and eggplant. Cook until vegetables are tender. Japanese Potstickers/ Gyoza Nira is a vegetable sold in bunches in oriental groceries, and has a garlic flavor. 4-5 leaves Chinese cabbage, minced 1 bunch Nira, minced 2 large green onions, minced 2 cloves garlic, minced 1 small piece ginger, grated 2 tsp salt 1 tsp white pepper Dash of Japanese soy sauce 1 TBS sesame oil 1 TBS peanut oil 1 pound of ground pork 4-5 minced shittake mushrooms Gyoza skins Pour boiling water over cabbage and allow to sit for 1/2 min., then drain and rinse with cold water. Combine with remaining ingredients and mix coarsely with fingers. Place a tablespoon of filling in gyoza skin and crimp edges. Place small amount of oil in frying pan and heat. Place gyoza in pan and fry over med heat until lightly browned on one side. Add 3 tablespoons of water to pan, and cover. Allow gyoza to steam a couple of minutes. Serve with dipping sauce of soy and sesame oil. Japanese-Style Salad Dressings Preparation time: 5 minutes Here are some simple recipes: Oil and Vinegar * 1 tbs rice vinegar * 2 tbs vegetable oil * 1 tsp sesame oil * 1 tsp soy sauce * salt and pepper Ginger Dressing * 1 tbs rice vinegar * 1 tbs vegetable oil * 1 tbs sesame oil * 1 tbs grated fresh ginger * 1 tsp soy sauce Bon Appetit! Pan-Broiled Scallops 8 shelled sea scallops 2 Tbsp soy sauce 1 Tbsp sake or dry sherry 2 Tbsp oil 1. Wash scallops. 2. Mix soy sauce and sake in a bowl. 3. Heat oil in a frying pan and saute the scallops till they change color. Add soy sauce and sake. Shaking the pan to prevent sticking, continue cooking until the scallops are well-seasoned. Serves 4 Shabu Shabu Shabu-shabu means "swish-swish," referring to the swishing action when you cook a very thin slice of beef in hot water. On a portable range, place a medium-sized pot (1/2 gallon should do). Place a couple of slices of kombu (a sort of kelp) and cover with cold water. Gently bring the water to a boil and remove the kombu just before it actually starts to boil. When the water is boiling very, very gently, you're set. On your table you should have: (for 4 people) Ingredients * 1 lb very thinly sliced beef (sirloin), preferably grain-fed. Beer-fed Kobe beef is the best. I MEAN VERY THIN (less than 1/16 inch) * 8 shiitake mushrooms * 1/2 lb enoki mushrooms * 1/2 lb shimeji mushrooms * 1/2 lb shirataki * 1 lb chinese cabbage * 1/2 lb watercress, to substitute for spring chrysanthemum leaves * 1 lb tofu, cut in 1 in. cubes, pressed and drained * any other ingredients you want to use Dipping sauce * In a small bowl, you should have soy sauce and lemon juice 2:1, as a dipping sauce. Simply take one of the items, swish it around in the hot water for from a few seconds for beef to a few minutes for vegetables. Serve with hot steamed rice. Enjoy! Sukiyaki 1 piece beef suet, about 2" x 2" x 1/2" (enough to lightly grease hot pan) 1 Lb. lean beef, sliced paper-thin across the grain, then cut into bite-sized pieces 1 bunch Scallions,

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Aristarchus of Samos Biography

Aristarchus of Samos Biography Much of what we know about the science of astronomy and celestial observations is based on observations and theories first proposed by ancient observers in Greece and what is now the Middle East. These astronomers were also accomplished mathematicians and observers. One of them was a deep thinker named Aristarchus of Samos.   He lived from about 310 B.C.E. through approximately 250 B.C.E. and his work is still honored today. Although Aristarchus was occasionally written about by early scientists and philosophers, especially Archimedes (who was a mathematician, engineer, and astronomer), very little is known about his life. He was a student of Strato of Lampsacus, head of Aristotles Lyceum. The Lyceum was a place of learning built before Aristotles time but is most often connected to his teachings. It existed in both Athens and Alexandria. Aristotles studies apparently did not take place in Athens, but rather during the time when Strato was head of the Lyceum at Alexandria. This was probably shortly after he took over in 287 B.C.E. Aristarchus came along as a young man to study under the best minds of his time. What Aristarchus Achieved Aristarchus is best known for two things: his belief that Earth orbits (revolves) around the Sun and his work attempting to determine the sizes and distances of the Sun and Moon relative to each other.   He was one of the first to consider the Sun as a central fire just as the other stars were, and was an early proponent of the idea that stars were other suns.   Although Aristarchus wrote many volumes of commentary and analyses, his only surviving work, On the Dimensions and Distances of the Sun and Moon, does not provide any further insight into his heliocentric view of the universe. While the method he describes in it for obtaining the sizes and distances of the Sun and Moon is basically correct, his final estimates were wrong. This was moore due to a lack of accurate instruments and an inadequate knowledge of mathematics than to the method he used to come up with his numbers. Aristarchuss interest wasnt limited to our own planet. He suspected that, beyond the solar system, the stars were similar to the Sun. This idea, along with his work on the heliocentric model putting the Earth in rotation around the Sun, held for many centuries. Eventually, the ideas of later astronomer Claudius Ptolemy - that the cosmos essentially orbits Earth (also known as geocentrism) - came into vogue, and held sway until Nicolaus Copernicus brought back the heliocentric theory in his writings centuries later.   It is said that Nicolaus Copernicus  credited Aristarchus in his treatise, De revolutionibus caelestibus.  In it he wrote, Philolaus believed in the mobility of the earth, and some even say that Aristarchus of Samos was of that opinion. This line was crossed out prior to its publication, for reasons that are unknown. But clearly, Copernicus recognized that someone else had correctly deduced the correct position of the Sun and Earth in the cosmos. He felt it was important enough to put into his work. Whether he crossed it out or someone else did is open to debate. Aristarchus vs. Aristotle and Ptolemy There is some evidence that Aristarchuss ideas were not respected by other philosophers of his time. Some advocated that he be tried before a set of judges for putting forth ideas against the natural order of things as they were understood at the time. Many of his ideas were directly in contradiction with the accepted wisdom of the philosopher   Aristotle and the Greek-Egyptian nobleman and astronomer Claudius Ptolemy. Those two philosophers held that Earth was the center of the universe, an idea we now know is wrong.   Nothing in the surviving records of his life suggest that Aristarchus was censured for his contrary visions of how the cosmos worked. However, so very little of his work exists today that historians are left with fragments of knowledge about him. Still, he was one of the first to try and mathematically determine distances in space.   As with his birth and life, little is known of Aristarchuss death. A crater on the moon is named for him, in its center is a peak which is the brightest formation on the Moon. The crater itself is located on the edge of the Aristarchus Plateau, which is a volcanic region on the lunar surface. The crater was named in Aristarchuss honor by the 17th-century astronomer Giovanni Riccioli.   Edited and expanded by Carolyn Collins Petersen

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Meditation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Meditation - Essay Example There are different methods of meditation. To begin with, there is the concentrative meditation that entails focusing attention on an object until it becomes clearer (Jordt, 2007). In terms of the five senses, an object could be a sound, physical sensation, or a visual image. The most common object entails focusing on the natural physical process of breathing. This entails attending to calming sensations of breathing. A receptive meditation involves being open to the experience that arises out of focusing one’s attention on an object. For instance, a person may sit with the eyes open and observe one’s environment without thinking and judging. In reflective meditation, an individual turns one’s attention to a theme but becomes open to consequential experiences. Generative meditation, on the other hand, involves love and kindness. This involves the meditating person turning attention to oneself and others. These types of meditation grant significant benefits. To be gin with, it helps one’s thoughts become still. When the thoughts become still, a person can choose on a particular subject and reflect deeply upon it. This is because fuzzy thoughts that do not possess a given focus do not produce meaningful ideas. In addition, still thoughts ward off worry and anxiety. This consequently contributes towards happiness, as the person does not over-think. Zen meditation is a discipline of sitting down and calming both the body and the mind towards insight into nature. In this sense, the mediating person gains enlightenment.

Thursday, October 31, 2019

Exam paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words - 1

Exam paper - Essay Example Such strategies in planning set considerable challenges to other organizations. The university has a great base of sustainable development as it has being recognized by Institutions such as carbon masters standard. It has therefore demonstrated a great baseline for sustainability. As a university it has much to accomplish to ensure persistent sustainability and improvement of the environment. The university has to first be aware of its strengths and weaknesses in pursuit of sustainable development (Baker 2006). There must be engagement of community and government to enable the vision of sustainability a reality. Ample research and drafting of a plan should be done before the onset of activities in sustainability management. Many factors shall have to be considered by the university to ensure maximum realization of sustainable development. Despite sustainability undertakings known to be costly to organizations, the ethical work enables the organizations take part in social corporate responsibility. In current trends sustainability continuum is a critical trend to all organizations. The claimers in clued the shareholders, employees, and governments; each of them has satisfiable reasons for expecting and oftenly demanding that the firm satisfies their claims in a responsible manner. An organization that adversely affects the environment in such terms of air pollution and discharge of wastes, have a great task in terms of sustainability. Such institutions have much to do in their mission to counter their effects to the environment. This means a more budget allocation in sustainability measures. High technologies and qualified expertise should be employed to activities such as recycling of waste, renewing of energy, and carbon particles trapping. Without such measures such organizations will be at risk to lose their responsibility to the society and may lead to the eventual closure. With these demanding trends

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

The mirror has two faces Movie Review Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

The mirror has two faces - Movie Review Example The Mirror Has Two Faces is about different views people hold about love,sex,relationships and marriage.The title represents how different insights are seen on the same topicwith the â€Å"mirror† being the topic of love and relationships and the â€Å"two faces† being the different views held by the characters of the movie,mainly Rose and Gregory. A mirror is supposed to be a reflection of the person standing in front of it, and the title of the movie mentions that it has two faces, most probably the person and its reflection, but these faces are not necessarily one and the same person thinking the same thoughts. Hence, the title makes one curious as to what it truly means. The characters’ ideas about sex, love, and marriage: The characters of the movie hold various perspectives on sex, love and marriage. Alex holds romantic views and showers Claire with affection to the point that it suffocates her. To him, he is like a romantic hero. Claire is so bent on using her beauty to attract men but when she gets them, she easily gets tired of them and is searching for another pursuit to keep her excited and interested. Hannah is kind of self-obsessed that to her, love should center on her own happiness and should boost her self-esteem. Henry is more down to earth and is a sounding board to Gregory’s ideas on love and sex and has a more grounded belief that a balance should be struck in order for a relationship to work, although he himself dates younger women not for their intelligence but mostly for their physical appeal. The central characters of Rose and Gregory provide the conflict in the story. For Rose, a romantic relationship should be fueled by passion and romance to support the deep love that the couple has for each other. They should know each other very well, including seemingly insignificant details and should be able to respond to each other’s needs even if help is not solicited. Gregory, on the other hand, burned severa l times from his previous romantic relationships, believe that sex complicates matters. He believes that relationships based on romantic love and physical attraction are worthless because it creates illusions that eventually end up disappointing people because they cannot keep up to the expectations of each other. Where the chief characters are on their relationship journey. The Whiteheads describe marriage both as an institution and as a journey. In the movie, marriage as an institution was not clearly agreed upon by the characters and was not depicted in such a way that it is a solid, immovable establishment. Instead, it would be more appropriate to describe the main characters’ marriage as a journey of friendship gone backwards. Theirs was founded on a deep friendship without the physical affection most man-woman relationships share even before marriage. Gregory claims that they are lucky to have reached their level of relationship to have skipped sexual tension and have g one straight to a meeting of minds and hearts. On the other hand, Rose thought differently. For her, the journey was just beginning and sexual intimacy is a necessary part of the journey towards the marital union, in the truest sense of the word. After they have cleared things with each other of what to expect from their marriage and are now looking at the same road and destination, they anticipate a smoother journey together with all the necessary ingredients to make their marriage stronger. The styles of communication & conflict used by the couples. It has always been known that communication is a key to successful relationships. In the movie, there were various communication styles that reflected the views of the characters. There were scenes wherein Gregory would voice out his passionate beliefs in his theories about a sexless relationship because it does not complicate matters and elevates the relationship to a higher level of respect, trust, admiration. Rose cannot put one wor d in. Because Rose was in love with Gregory, she tried to accept his beliefs, shunning aside her

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Kangxi And Louis XIV | Comparison

Kangxi And Louis XIV | Comparison Absolute monarchy or absolutism means that the sovereign power or ultimate authority in the state rested in the hands of a king who claimed to rule by divine right. Kangxi and Louis XIV were both shining examples for absolutist rule. Age of Absolutism was between 1610 and 1789. Absolutism is a term used to depict a type of monarchical power that was not at all restrained by institutions, for example, legislatures, social elites, or churches. Both Kangxi and Louis X1V were absolute monarchs associated with the coming to power of professional bureaucracies, professional standing armies, and the coding of state laws. They possessed ideologies that justify the absolutist monarchy. As absolute monarchs they spent significant sums on flamboyant homes for themselves as well as their nobles. It is mandatory in an absolutist state, by the monarchs for nobles to live in the royal palace, although in their absence, state officials ruled the nobles lands. This would effectively decrease the power of the nobility, thus causing nobles to become dependent upon the generosity of the monarch for their source of income. Emperor Kangxi became known as one of Chinas greatest emperors. He suppressed the Revolt of the Three Feudatories, forced the Kingdom of Tungning in Taiwan to submit to Qing rule, blocked Tzarist on Russia on the Amur River and extended the empire to the northwest. The compilation of the Kangxi Dictionary was just one primary example of the emperors many accomplishments pertaining to the subject of literature. During Kangxis reign his country experienced long-term stability and relative wealth after having suffered many years of turmoil and war. He was responsible for the initiation of the Prosperous Era of Kangxi and Qianlong era, which prolonged for generations after his own. As his reign ceased, the Qing Empire had full control over the entire Chinese region, Manchuria, as well as part of the Far East region of Russia and many other regions. Emperor Kangxi, whose father Emperor Shunzhi was the first Qing emperor to rule over China proper, was the fourth emperor of the Qing Dynasty. As he reached age 8 years old on February 17, 1661, Kangxi succeeded imperial throne; twelve days after his fathers death. His rule consisted of at least 61 years from 1661 to 1722, making him the longest reigning emperor in Chinese history. When Kangxi was eight, he ascended the throne. As a child, Kangxi was very talented in literature and he worked diligently. Since he was too young, his father hired four ministers to assist him with the administration of the country. Ao Bai was the name of one of them who furtively assigned his own henchmen to oppose the young emperor. As Kangxi became of age to rule the nation, he ingeniously voided Ao Bais plot. In 1643 Louis XIV became king at age four upon the loss of his father Louis XIII. Louis XIV, also recognized as the Sun King, was among the greatest of significant monarchs in history. He reigned for 72 years, from 1643 until his death in 1715. This made his time as King the longest known reign of any European monarch. He is responsible for taking France from savage medieval to one of the most appealing cultures in the world. He claimed total control of the French Government for 54 years out of the 72 years that he reigned for. The 17th century was labeled as the age of Louis XIV, due to his supreme reign of absolutism in government. Louis began independently governing France as of 1661 after his prime minister, the Italian Cardinal Mazarin passed away. As an advocate of the theory of the divine right of kings, Louis continued his predecessors work of creating a Centralized Government, governed from within the capital. He sought the elimination of the remnants of Feudalist parts of France. Under his rule, France represented the mainstay of European power, involved in three major wars: the Franco Dutch War, the Nine Years War, the League of Augsburg War, and the War of the Spanish Succession. A highly skilled politician and statesman Louis X1V supported and profited from the work of major political, military and cultural figures such as Mazarin, Colbert, Turenneaud, Vauban, Moliere, Racine, Boileau, La Fontain, Lully and Le Notre to name just a few. Days before his seventy-seventh birthday after death, Louis was succeeded by his great-grandson who became Louis XV at age 5. Both Kangxi and Louis XIV were shining examples for absolutist rule, and they both were effective absolutist who did a great job governing their kingdom. However, in my opinion Kangxi was the more effective Absolutist of the two. Whereas Louis XIV relied heavily on collaborating with other great men in order to achieve effectiveness, Kangxi relied on utilizing his supreme intellect and succeeded exerting his own true absolute power which was his intelligence.

Friday, October 25, 2019

Education: Encouraging Lives Essay -- Education Careers Teaching Teach

Education: Encouraging Lives My desire to become a teacher goes beyond a professional aspiration; it is also a personal commitment to self-growth and societal advancement. Since the time I was in school I have had the opportunity and pleasure to work with young people and listen to their problems in school and in their lives on a level where I’m neither a peer nor an authority figure. During this time I have decided to devote myself to these young people; I want to know that I can make a difference in their lives. With my teaching certificate, I will fulfill personal goals, make a change in student’s lives, and inspire younger generations to look for horizons as of yet unconceivable to them. I am now old enough to know what is truly important to me. My life is enriched by improving the quality of others’ lives. Only through exposure, only through learning, can anyone aspire to reach his or her greatest potential. In essence, how can we dream of greater possibilities if we do not know they exist? As in the Biblical parable, I want to teach men to fish and feed them for a lifetime. From my personal experience I believe some teachers have forgotten what a critical role they play in not only the futures of the students who sit before them, but in the future of all our lives collectively. I do not want anyone to look back on their life and see me as one of these teachers but as a teacher that inspired them to be something they never dreamed possible. Teaching involves a multi-level commitment to each and every student, including teaching styles, respect, counseling, and inspiration. Psychologists recognize that individuals have a variety of comprehension and learning abilities. Some people learn through audio and visual stimul... ...e to understand by using real-world experiences. I believe as Jean Piaget did, a constructivist, "to understand is to discover, or reconstruct by rediscovery, and such conditions must be complied with if in the future individuals are to be formed who are capable of production and creativity and not simply repetition" as mentioned in his book, To Understand Is to Invent. I do believe people need to learn with Great Books, but comparing things with the real world helps the understanding of these books. In conclusion, my desire to teach is only impeded by the next few years of education that I need to acquire my degree. I understand this will change the role I play in youth’s lives from my current position to an authority figure, but I do believe it will be a change for the best. Teachers wear big shoes and I am committed to filling those to the best of my ability.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

The Law of Immigration

The 1990s have brought the largest influx of immigrants into labor force of the United States of any decade in this nation's history. A panel of social science scholars concluded their assessment of U. S. society with the observation that â€Å"America's biggest import is people† and determined that â€Å"at a time when attention is directed to the general decline in American exceptionalism, American immigration continues to flow at a rate unknown elsewhere in the world† [Oxford Analytica 1986, 20]. Unlike earlier mass immigration periods to the United States the present day wave of immigration to the U. S. how â€Å"no sign of imminent decline† [Bouvier 1991, 18]. â€Å"In today's world setting, international migration is a discretionary action that is regulated by the specific actions of the governments of individual nation-states. † There is no international obligation for any nation to allow others to enter or to work, in fact, most nations do not admit immigrants Mass immigration has played a significant role in the economic history of the United States, nevertheless the harsh fact is that what may be necessary and beneficial at one time, may not be so at another. The demand for labor is being affected by restructuring forces stemming from the nature and pace of technological change; from the stiff international competition the United States that now confronts for the first time in its history; from major shifts in consumer spending away from goods toward services; In the national defense expenditures brought about by the end of the Cold War in the early 1990's†. (vernon m. briggs,jr. and stephen moore. pg 35. ) In looking toward the future the twenty occupations projected to grow the fastest in the 1990s, half are related to the growing computer and health fields. The shift to a service based economy is leading to an upgrading of the skills and education required by the labor force. On the other hand the occupations that require minimal skills and education have declined and are presently forecasted to continue to do so. Immigration can be useful in the short run as a means of providing qualified workers where shortages of qualified domestic workers exist. But, the long-term objective should be that these jobs should go to citizens and resident aliens. The 1990 Census revealed that the percentage of foreign-born adults (25 ears and over) who had less than a ninth grade education was 25 percent (compared to only 10 percent for native-born adults) and whereas 23 percent of native-born adults did not have a high school diploma, 42 percent of foreign-born adults did not. Immigration, therefore, is a major contributor to the nation's adult illiteracy problem. On the other hand, both foreign-born adults and native-born adults had the same percentage of persons who had a bachelor's degree or higher (20. percent and 20. 4 percent, respectively), but with regard to those who had graduate degrees, foreign-born adults had a considerably igher percentage than did the native-born, 3. 8 percent versus 2. 4 percent. ( )† It is at both ends of the U. S. labor force that immigration has its greatest impact at the bottom and at the top of the economic ladder. â€Å"The overall unemployment rate of foreign-born workers in 1994 was 9. 2 percent, while the comparable national unemployment rate at the time was 6. 5 percent. The unemployment rate for foreign-born workers with less than a ninth grade education in 1994 was 13 percent; for those with some high school but no diploma, it was 15. 2 percent. The comparable rates for native-born workers were 13. 5 percent and 29. 9 percent. † Consequently, the greatest labor market impact of immigration is in the sector of the labor market that is already having the greatest difficulty finding employment. â€Å"The 1990 Census also disclosed that 79. 1 percent of the foreign-born population (five years old and over) speak a language other than English (compared to 7. 8 percent of the native-born) and that 47. percent of the foreign-born (five years and over) reported that they do not speak English very well. ( )† The ability to speak English n an increasingly service-oriented economy has been definitively linked to the ability to advance in the U. S. labor market of the post-1965 era [Chiswick 1992, 15]. Considering the factors aforementioned â€Å"the incidence of poverty among families of the foreign-born population in 1990 was 50 percent higher than that of native-born families or that 25 percent of the families with a foreign-born householder who entered the country since 1980 were living in poverty in 1990 ( ). â€Å"Nor is it surprising to find that immigrant families make greater use of welfare than do native-born families† [Borjas and Trejo Even when legitimate labor shortages exist, immigration should never be allowed to dampen the two types of market pressures: those needed to encourage citizen workers to invest in preparing for vocations that are expanding and those needed to ensure that governmental bodies provide the human-resource-development programs needed to prepare citizens for the new type of jobs that are emerging. † ( pg. 44 ). We may need to reconsider † an immigration policy that annually encourages or tolerates the mass entry of immigrants with only minimal regard to their human capital attributes or places dditional remedial burdens on an already underfunded and inadequate education and training system. It is not only the actual effects of increased competition for jobs and social services that are important, collectively we must consider the opportunity costs as well when considering immigration and its effect on our economy. â€Å"(Pg,48) The phrase â€Å"a melting nation of immigrants† is popularly used to describe the people who settled the United States. Historian Oscar Handlin added to this statement by stating that â€Å"once I thought to write a history of the immigrants in America. Then I discovered that the immigrants were American history† [Handlin 1951, 3]. † The benefits of immigration, however are manifold. Immigrants are highly entrepreneurial. Their rate of business start-ups and self employment tend to be higher than that of United States born citizens. Immigrants contribute to the global competitiveness of US corporations, particularly in high technology industries. Perhaps the most important benefit is that immigrants come to the United States with critically needed talents, energies that serve as an engine for economic progress. â€Å"(pg 78). Economist Ellen Seghal of the US Bureau of Labor Statistics did a study examining welfare usage in 1984 of several major federal programs of immigrants who entered the United States before 1982. She found that â€Å"the share of foreign born collecting public assistance including unemployment compensation, Food Stamps, Supplemental Security Income (SSI), and AFDC was 12. 8 percent. The percentage for US born was 13. 9 percent. † (pg 93). A study by the City of New York's Office of City Planning found that the public assistance rate was 7. 7 percent for immigrants and 13. percent for the population as a whole. Hispanic immigrants are alleged to be especially heavy users of welfare services, but the research does not verify this stereotype. A study done by the Urban Institute found the â€Å"annual welfare benefits averaged $575 per California household, as opposed to $251, per Mexican immigrant Do immigrants compete with American workers for jobs? â€Å"There are almost always economic losers under such competitions, even though the society as a whole is almost always left wealthier. The pressure of competition is one of the engines of conomic growth under a capitalist economy. â€Å"(pg98). † When immigrants come to the United States, they immediately raise the demand for US goods and services (Greenwood and McDowell 1986). † â€Å"They shop for food in US grocery stores; they move into apartments or homes, as producers' immigrants fill jobs, but as consumers they create jobs†(pg106). Several studies have documented that the immigrants who come to the United States tend to be more skilled, more highly educated and â€Å"generally more economically successful than the average citizens in their home countries†. Among Iranians who came to the United States in 1979, 57 percent were professional, technical, or managerial workers. In Iran , only 6 percent of all the workforce falls into those high skill categories. In that same year, 68 percent of the immigrants from India fell into these high skilled categories compared to less than 5 percent among the entire Indian workforce. Finally, 15 percent of the 6,000 Haitians who entered the United States in 1979 through normal immigration channels were professionals, administrators, or managers compared to 1 percent for the Haitian workforce (Gibney 1990,372. † The hildren of immigrants also tend to reach exceptionally high levels of achievement as adults, in earnings and professional skills. â€Å"Economist Barry Chiswick has calculated that throughout this century, the children of immigrants have had earnings that are on the average 10 percent above those of comparably educated US born children (cited in McConnell 1988, 101 ). † Americans are split on an issue that will likely remain on the forefront for some time to come. The subtle nuances interwoven within the issue of immigration are facets that require answers more akin to shades of gray than black and white.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Figure of Speech and Ancient Greece Essay

Modernity has certainly evolved from the time of the ancient Greece. However, the advancements in technology have not necessarily created a Utopian society. In â€Å"Icarus,† a poem by Edward Field, a mythological character is placed in the bustling and oxymoronic reality of the modern world. Figurative language, irony, syntax, and perspectives are essential elements of Field’s relocation of Icarus, whose relocation exposes an alienating and unrelenting 20th century setting. Irony and contrast are immediately evident as Icarus’s story unfolds in the second millennium of the common era. Beginning be depicting the setting and its inhabitants, the speaker highlights some oxymorons in current behavior. Witnesses to Icarus’s mishap run off to a â€Å"gang war,† a cruel satire of urban life and ironical reversion of roles in just one line. Furthermore, Icarus’s report at the police station is â€Å"filed and forgotten,† one element denying the purpose of the other. In addition to this, modern practices appear to contrast those of Icarus’s original setting; in ancient Greece, tales were not written but sang, and they certainly weren’t forgotten. Thus, though lacking mention to the protagonist, the first stanza subtly implies immediate differences between Icarus’s traditional home and his new one. The second stanza begins with yet another juxtaposition of the original and the modified; while the foolish Icarus would have been deemed â€Å"disobedient† in his times, he becomes â€Å"nice Mr. Hicks† in modernity. As the speaker begins to describe Icarus directly, another allusion to modern tenets is made; Icarus’s suit â€Å"concealed arms,† which we soon find out though that they are not the â€Å"arms† used in gang wars but those with which he attempted flight. Icarus’s neighbors cannot perceive his sadness at the failure of his deed, though, and the gentle time (and air) traveler does not wish to upset them by revealing the truths. In this case, a metonymic â€Å"front yards† is used by the speaker to symbolize the suburban lifestyle and â€Å"moralistic† attitude of the people surrounding Icarus. In creating the final analogies and contrasts between the past and present Icaruses, the speaker draws into the tragic hero side of the protagonist and uses it in a rhetorical question at the end of the second stanza. Unfortunately for Icarus, it seems, he did not fall to his death but to the â€Å"middling stature of the merely talented†; he cannot find serenity in an environment where personal judgment (Icarus’s neighbors) cannot reconcile with the group activities (participating in committees and riding commuter trains). Using anaphora, the first two lines of the third stanza convey Icarus’s longing for tragic departure, juxtaposing nightly reflection and daily attempts at flight. Lacking the success he had in the past, even though it had cost him, Icarus comes to the conclusion that his role would have been much more satisfactory had he drowned. Field employs techniques of content (contrast and irony) and of how the content is shaped (anaphora and figurative language). In doing so, he conveys both poetically personal reflections and an effective change of Icarus’s setting, shaping this work as an even more tragic story for the protagonist than his death in had been.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Eth125 R8 Disability Diversity Essays

Eth125 R8 Disability Diversity Essays Eth125 R8 Disability Diversity Essay Eth125 R8 Disability Diversity Essay Associate Program Material Aging and Disability Worksheet Part I Identify 2 or 3 issues faced by the aging population. 1. Lack of security for the future (social security dwindling) 2. Unable to afford being able to retire 3. Being alone Answer the following questions in 100 to 200 words each. Provide citations for all the sources you use. What is ageism? How does ageism influence the presence of diversity in society? Ageism is prejudice or discrimination against a particular age-group, especially the elderly. Ageism influences the presence of diversity because those who are affected by ageism within their career may lose their job due to newer, younger, cheaper people coming into the workplace to take over their current position. Which may leave those who are older without proper insurance to take care of their aging bodies which could result in earlier deaths and a lack of diversity in the world. Also when the younger generation takes over positions in the workplace that workplace will have a lack of diversity as well. merriam-webster. com/dictionary/ageism What is the Age Discrimination in Employment Act (ADEA)? How does the ADEA address issues for the aging population? The Age Discrimination in Employment Act was put into place in 1967 to prohibit discrimination of people over the age of 40 in the work place. The ADEA addresses issues for the aging population by making it illegal to fail or refuse to hire or to discharge any individual or otherwise discriminate against any individual with respect to his compensation, terms, conditions, or privileges of employment, because of such individual’s age. Also it makes it illegal to limit, segregate, or classify his employees in any way which would deprive or tend to deprive any individual of employment opportunities or otherwise adversely affect his status as an employee, because of such individual’s age. eeoc. gov/laws/statutes/adea. cfm What is being done to address the issues you identified? The ADEA had put many laws in affect to make it illegal to discriminate someone for their age. It also has been recommended to Congress to have education and research programs. These programs shall research, and promote research, with a view to reducing barriers to the employment of older persons, and the promotion of measures for utilizing their skills. They will also publish and otherwise make available to employers, professional societies, the various media of communication, and other interested persons the findings of studies and other materials for the promotion of employment and foster through the public employment service system and through cooperative effort the development of facilities of public and private agencies for expanding the opportunities and potentials of older persons. ttp://www. eeoc. gov/laws/statutes/adea. cfm Is the number of aging population expected to rise in numbers or decrease? The number of aging population is expected to rise in numbers. â€Å"With baby boomers approaching retirement, the 65-and-over population in the United States could increase nearly 80 percent by 2025. During the same period, there will be just 15 perce nt more working-age adults and 15 percent more children younger than 15. † With the number of baby boomers approaching retirement there will be a strain put on social ecurity and other benefits made available to those who are senior citizens. This will cause problems to those retire after them. There is no certainty that things like social security will last through the baby boomers and be around when the next generation retires. globalaging. org/elderrights/us/populationrise. htm What types of legislation may or may not be affected by the aging population? Two major pieces of legislature that will be affected by the aging population is pension provision and health care. With both pension and health care the key issues that will cause issues is that the number of people working and paying taxes to fun pension and health care programs is going to dramatically decrease as the baby boomers retire and as they retire the amount of people uses these services in going to see an increase. Legislation regarding items such as criminals is unlikely to have any effect on the aging population. While there are some laws in certain states requiring older people to retake their drivers test each year or every two years a country wide law could also affect the aging population as well. How does poverty affect the aging population? Poverty affects the aging population in many different ways. Since people are living longer and with that resources are decreasing as time goes on and the elderly have fewer and fewer choices for finding help with finances and health related issues, which results in substandard medical care. Having substandard medical care can result in sub par health and either suffering due to a medical condition or death from a medical condition that could have been treating if better medical care was available to them. Another affect poverty has is subpar housing and the ability to provide food for themselves due to a lack of income and the fact that many programs meant to help have strict guidelines or are disappearing all together. Part II Answer the following questions in 100 to 200 words each. Provide citations for all the sources you use. What does the ADA provide for people with disabilities? The ADA’s goal is to provide equality to people with disabilities and protect them from any discrimination that they may be faced with. The ADA provides protection to those with disabilities in the workplace where there is a possibility they could be discriminated against and be fired, or passed over for a job. The ADA also insures that public structures are accessible to those with disabilities. By doing this it allows people with disabilities to feel more like equals by having protection from discrimination and the ability to enjoy the same things their friends do such as going to restaurants and the mall. ada. gov/qaeng02. tm How have people with disabilities been treated in the past? In the past people with disabilities have been treated unfairly and have faced discrimination. In recent years things have been improving but there is still work to be done. There are still a few buildings that are not handicap accessible. Some may be included in the exclusion under the ADA such as historical buildings but there are some who are â€Å"flying under the radar† and until a problem arises they will continue on w ith their business. Another problem people with disabilities faced was discrimination in the work place. They were often not chosen for jobs because they were not able to perform them with accommodations. While this may still occur with the ADA it makes it illegal. How has the attitude toward people with disabilities changed over time? In earlier years people with disabilities were often placed into institutions and were then forgotten about which resulted in them living in unsafe and unsanitary conditions. Many of them were abused, neglected or murdered by their own families or by the people who worked at the institutions. They were called â€Å"retarded†. Today discrimination towards those with disabilities still does exist the condition of the homes in which some disabled live is acceptable and some with disabilities are able to have happy healthy lives with little or no accommodations made. Some neglect and abuse still does occur but the days of forced sterilization are over. What are some unique circumstances or issues encountered by people with disabilities? There are many unique circumstances or issues encountered by people with disabilities. Little people definetelty face many of these unique circumstances. Just going to a restaurant or even a friend’s house provides issues for little people to be able to get around safely by car or being able to see on top of counters and reach things like sinks. People in wheelchairs also face some unusual circumstances off their own. Just like little people they also may encounter problems reaching counters and sinks, and traveling. Just imagine trying to navigate your wheelchair across a snowy parking lot or sidewalk to get to your favorite restaurant. What is being done to address those issues? Many public places have smaller toilets and sinks that help children and little people be able to reach the sinks and toilets with ease. Adding these little things help not only the little people community but also help children becomes more independent. Many public places also have wheelchair assessable sinks that allow them to pull their chairs right up and under the sink to allow them to reach it with ease. Handicap accessible parking spot allow for all people with disabilities to park closer to reduce the amount they have to walk thus reducing the amount of accidents that could occur. What types of legislation have been introduced to address issues faced by people with disabilities? On January 23, 1990 Congress passed the â€Å"Americans with Disabilities Act† (ADA) it provided protection for people with disabilities in many aspects of their lives. In 1988 the Fair Housing Act was amended to include people with disabilities and families with children with disabilities. In 1973 the Rehabilitation act prohibited discrimination against someone with a disability by anyone receiving federal assistance, but it did not cover discrimination by employers, public accommodations in the private sector, publicly funded programs or those providing federal financial assistance. Protection for all disabilities did not take place until the Americans with Disabilities Act passed. CERTIFICATE OF ORIGINALITY I  certify that  the attached  paper is my original work. I am familiar with and acknowledge my responsibilities, which are part of the University of Phoenix Student Code of Academic Integrity. I affirm that any section of the paper which has been submitted previously is attributed and cited as such, and that this paper has not been submitted by anyone else. I have identified the sources of all information whether quoted verbatim or paraphrased, all images, and all quotations with citations and reference listings. Along with citations and reference listings, I have used quotation marks to identify quotations of fewer than 40 words and have used block indentation for quotations of 40 or more words. Nothing in this assignment violates copyright, trademark, or other intellectual property laws. I further agree that my name typed  on the line below is intended to have, and shall have, the same validity as my handwritten signature. Students  signature (name typed here is equivalent to a signature): Skyye Smith